After shaving his "Sons of Anarchy" scruff for his upcoming thriller movie "Crimson Peak" with "Pacific Rim" director Guillermo del Toro, Charlie Hunnam recently celebrated his 34th birthday on April 10. Known for his role as Jax Teller in the biker drama series, Hunnam plays Dr. Alan McMichael who is described as a quiet and a very learned guy who is in love with the female lead played by Mia Wasikowska.

Since the English hunk recently celebrated his birthday, here are five fast facts about Charlie Hunnam.

1. "Sons of Anarchy" fans will never believe this, but Charlie made out with Ron Perlman who plays Clay Morrow in FX TV series. The two actors starred in Jordan Robert's film "3, 2, 1...Frankie Go Boom," which features Hunnam as a young guy suffering from the demands of his parents and Perlman as Phyliss, a post-op transgender woman.

"I don't think anyone who watches Sons of Anarchy ever anticipated that they'd see Clay Morrow and Jax Teller making out, which is what you have in store if you see this wonderful film," Hunnam revealed in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

2. Just like any actor who wants to hone his acting skills, Hunnam is steering away from what he calls Hollywood's "disposable sh*t" and is very picky in terms of roles to play and people to work with. "The movie industry is just in a horrific state at the moment, and I just don't want to be involved in making disposable shit," says the SOA actor in an interview Chris Neumer of Stumped magazine.

3. Also in the interview, the actor also revealed that he wants to work with director Joel Schumacher. But since the competition to work with him is fierce, Hunnam is still waiting for the right project to come and currently working with del Toro for the second time around.

4. Born in Newcastle, Charlie's father is gangster and scrap metal merchant while his mother is Newcastle's premiere portrait artist. He graduated with a degree in the theory and history of film and took a side in performing arts.

5. Before landing his famous role in Kurt Sutter's "Sons of Anarchy," Hunnam was discovered in a shoe shop on Christmas Eve when he was 17 while drunkenly clowning to buy a pair of shoes for his brother.

"Sons of Anarchy" season 2 is set to be released on September 2014.