Former "Sons of Anarchy" star Sarah Jones recently premiered her upcoming thriller movie "Mr. Jones" with its haunting and spine chilling trailer. Featuring a new twist on horror genre, "Mr. Jones" is a compelling story about a couple played by Jon Foster and Sarah Jones who just moved to a very remote cabin to escape the pressures of the world.

After moving in to the cabin, the couple realized that they are living next to an infamous reclusive artist Mr. Jones and who prefers to work at night. Thanks to the couple's curiosity, they soon find out the secrets of Mr. Jones and what kind of artist he is.

The movie synopsis reads: "Who is Mr. Jones?" To some, he is an enigmatic artist, with a unique vision of humanity and our place in the spiritual universe. To others, his very name conjures unimaginable primal fears. But for two young people, he will become their worst nightmare. "

"Stay Alive" actor Jon Foster plays as Scott and Sarah Jones plays as Penny, the couple who will be the subject of Mr. Jones madness. This starling film also start "Law & Order: SVU" Diane Neal, "I Am Legend" Mark Stegar and "John Carpenters The Thing" David Clennon.

The movie also features a completely unique labyrinth of terrors that makes it a breath of fresh air from other horror movies. A no stranger to horror movies, the director managed to exhibit a new generation of indie horror that will keep its audience screaming from its mind-bending horror as the young couple plunge into a nightmare world of mayhem.

"I guess the impulse in telling a story like this is that I think everyone has a natural voyeuristic curiosity towards their neighbors, " says Muller in an interview posted on Ace Showbiz. "Especially when you only see them do eccentric things, but you don't know much about them. They live next door and you hear them all the time, and you tend to make up stories about what they're doing."

Directed by Karl Mueller, "Mr. Jones" is set to be released on May 2, 2014 for limited viewing, and May 6 for Blue-ray, DVD and VOD.