Fans of FX biker drama series "Sons of Anarchy" are counting the months to September as the show features its seventh and final season. Series creator Kurt Sutter previously revealed that he will feature Marilyn Manson's music on the show but just recently he informed fans that the controversial rocker will also do a cameo.

Sutter recently tweeted, "listening to one of @marilynmanson new songs. potent. creepy. cool. look for him in season 7. he'll be the guy riding the dragon."

According to street slang, "riding the dragon" is a term used to describe heroin addicts which could only mean that Manson will play as a heroin addict on the show's finale. After a stint in HBO's "Eastbound & Down," the 44-year-old rocker will join SAMCRO in the fictional town of Charming for another killer season.

The singer shock his fans when he appeared on HBO without his signature foundation, eyeliner, blue contact lens and dark red lipstick. Fans of the "Men of Mayhem" will have to watch out for Manson's cameo because without his make-up he is unrecognizable and may look like an Average Joe.

Just like any fans of the series, the performer is a huge fan of the show and doing a cameo for its final season is just perfect for him. "Yeah, Marilyn Manson, he's f----ing obsessed with the show. He goes so far as to dress up like Kenny," says series director David Gordon Green in an interview with MTV.

Aside for Manson's cameo, Sutter also revealed that San Bernardino's Charter President Packer played by Robert Patrick will also return for SOA season 7. The news was announced on Sutter's YouTube video blog WTF Sutter that the biker will have a bigger role for the next season.

SAMCRO's rival The Mayans Motorcycle Club will also return for "Sons of Anarchy" season 7 and this time the MC will have a bigger role. Since the beginning of the series The Mayans already played a major role in the show's development and it's just fitting that the biker club will return for its final hurrah.

"Sons of Anarchy" season 7 will return on FX on September.

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