After an explosive Season 6 finale titled "A Mother's Work," "Sons of Anarchy" series creator Kurt Sutter recently revealed that Season 7 will focus more on Cara Cara, a pornographic studio owned by SAMCRO. Sutter revealed some juicy tidbits and spoilers about the show's finale on his latest Youtube video "WTFSutter."

Sutter teases SOA fans that filming of Season 7 Episode 1 will start on the later part of May and plans to premiere the show's finale on mid-September. Kurt says in his video blog that his writers have a month to work on Season 7 and they've broken down the main arcs.

Sutter is also pleased to announced that there will be a couple of new female characters and the show will refocus on Cara Cara for SAMCRO. Previously owned by Luann Delaney, Otto's wife who used to work in pornography, Cara Cara was burned down by members of the "The League" and is now owned and operated by gang.

According to the show's producer, the club will return to pornography business as they look into the adult film industry to make it as their main source of income. It seems that the new female cast will be in the Cara Cara business including a couple of new Sons members who will be introduced in Season 7.

"We're in the process of closing deals with existing co-stars and recurring characters, which is tough sometimes," says Sutter in his recent video blog as he revealed his plans for new cast. "Other people have got other shows so we're trying to figure out who's available, who's not available and that always impacts what we're able to do for the season."

The gang is trying to break away from its illegal business, particularly on the gun business as they try to refocus their interest on the thriving porn business. After revealing so many spoilers, Sutter is keeping quiet about his plans on Jax, Gemma and Juice, the reason behind Tara's bloody death.