PlayStation Network users were aghast that their personal information may have been acquired by "external forces".

Sony reiterated that some personal information of PSN users might have been compromised because the company is simply unaware of the information leak.

Details of the internal procedures that Sony conducted to learn if someone had gained illegal access to PSN can be read in the latest post of Patrick Seybold on the PlayStation Blog.

"There's a difference in timing between when we identified there was an intrusion and when we learned of consumers' data being compromised," Seybold said in the post.

"We learned there was an infringement on April 19 and consequently shut the services down," Seybold furthered.

According to Seybold, they conducted several days of forensic analysis with the help of some experts who finally discovered the nature and scope of the breach just last April 25. Sony then disclosed the information to its patrons in a public announcement on April 26.

Although, Sony's clarification appears with good reason, PSN users insist that the company should perform a full investigation on the issue.

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