South Australians have gradually cut their daily water consumption by a third in the last decade based on figures compiled by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

Between 2000-01 and 2009-10, the average daily water use by South Australian households fell from 756 liters to 501 liters. In 2003, the introduction of Permanent Water Conservation Measures saw average daily water use fall from 762 liters to 644 liters, a 15 percent decrease.

Another decline was also noted in 2007 with Level 3 Water Enhancement Restrictions came into effect with a furtherreduction of around 100 liters daily.

These restrictions pulled daily water use down to just over 500 liters per household, where it has remained for the last three years. Actions taken to save water by South Australian households include installing water saving devices and appliances, and using rainwater from tanks for both indoor and outdoor use.

Moreover, outdoor watering with rainwater from a tank has nearly doubled from 8 percent in 2007 to 15 percent in 2010. Relying on rain to water the garden also became more common, increasing from 9 percent in 2007 to 12 percent in 2010.