Britney Spears' latest music video, "Work B-tch," is making a lot of noise with everyone as she does the Fifty-Shades thing by using a whip and collar on girls. The video has been popular among the gay community but her latest comments about them seem controversial. Find out why.

The "Hit Me Baby" singe has long been championed as the crusader of gay community, but the singer has called them "hilarious" in her latest interview.

"A lot of my hair stylists and the beauty team that I work with are gay so I hang out with gays a lot and I just think they're adorable and hilarious" Britney said during her interview on 99.7 NOW FM Monday.

Britney Spears 99.7 Now FM Radio Interview 2013


Earlier, Spears also came under fire for alleged "gay marketing" and attempting to exploit her hugely LGBT fan base on Twitter by artist Mykki Blanco, who claimed her "Work B-tch" is attempting to exploit the bankability of gay culture.

Blanco, lashed out at Spears on Twitter last Sunday, calling her latest single "tacky" and asking" is it just me or is every female pop star currently in a war to secure as many gay fans and gay $ as possible?" She also claimed that "this is not 'gay pride,' it's 'gay marketing.'"

Spears has previously been under allegations for attempting to exploit the gay community when she released her last album, "Femme Fatale." Rumors said drag icon RuPaul has been roped in to be featured in it.

While famous gay blogs like HuffPo Gay Voices and Queerty has lashed out at Spears for her gay comments, J. Bryan Lowder, who writes for has taken a stand for Britney and said she is not exploiting gays by calling them "adorable."

"While that statement could have contained stronger compliments like "brilliant" and "creative," it really is perfectly nice," Lowder writes referring to Spear's statements.

"In fact, considering the silliness of the question, it was a fairly polite way of changing the subject. The hosts had not asked Spears probing queries about her artistic mentors in the gay community or how discussions of trans identity had challenged her thinking on gender. Rather, they offered the impressive insight that she uses the word "bitch" in a lot of her songs, which must in turn mean that the gays "are a big influence" on her. Who's the offensive party in this exchange again?," he argued.

Looks like the gay community needs to take Spears' remarks as a casual mentioning and not get into the deeper meaning of it. It was just a casual interview and not a detailed discussion.