Thor 2: The Dark World movie just hit theaters and we can say that it didn't disappoint at all. There are a few things missing in the movie and comic lovers would surely know what it is. For those who don't, read on to find out more.

The movie is the sequel to the first "Thor" movie, and moviegoers that like a rather expensively made movie would definitely enjoy Thor 2. However, the thing is most fans of the comic book are not impressed with "Thor 2: The Dark World", as they see the same thing that all other superhero movies show, lots of chromo backgrounds and costumes -- it is more like a hit-and-miss feature.

Hiddleston plays the role of Loki, brother of Thor who is played by Chris Hemsworth. In the movie, Loki is asked by Thor to help him win against the evil Malekith. And though Hiddleston does a great job being the "god of mischief" he does steal the show from the "dark elf" Malekith who is the antagonist in the movie. Critics were not impressed much with the movie, as most of them expected it to be better than the first movie. Credits to Hemsworth and Hiddleston for making the movie a great watch in that sense; but storywise, the directors seemed to have forgotten to include a bunch of important things that would have made it a lot better for viewers.

What the Movie Should've Had:

Critics comment that the sequel to the first "Thor" movie should have focused more on Malekith as well. Even though the budding love of Jane Foster and Thor would also be great to watch, the main purpose of the movie is to stop Malekith from conquering the nine realms.

The backgrounds are also too similar to Lord of the Rings, as it was done in London as well, thus a little difference in that aspect would have made it a bit more interesting.

One thing that fans would be able to appreciate is the love that the brothers, Thor and Loki, suddenly showed for humanity; they didn't exude this that much in the first movie.

If you haven't watched the movie yet, then go and watch it. It may not be what you expect, but Thor 2: The Dark World definitely has some surprises with which you would find rather interesting. If not for anything else, it is well worth it to watch Tom Hiddleston.