By Andrew Nelson

Last week was yet another slow and fairly uneventful week on the uranium spot market. Volumes were thin, transactions were few, and the spot price slipped a little more after a seller cracked under the weight and gave in to a lower bid.

And it'll probably stay this way for at least a few more weeks until the North Americans get back from their summer vacations. Maybe longer, who can tell with the way this market is going?

What we do know is that someday in the not too distant future there's going to be more demand as the Japanese and Chinese enter the market to replenish drawn down stocks and to feed new requirements. Someday in the not too distant future the Americans will need to be hitting the spot market as well; given the Russians are soon to stop feeding weapons grade stock in to the Megatons to Megawatts program.

Someday in the not too distant future...