Meet Captain Harrison Hawke and the crew of the NX-04 Discovery, as they take on the Romulan Empire in "Star Trek" Horizons. The movie is based in the year 2160 when the Coalition of Planets, led by Earth, is finding it difficult to counter the Romulans.

The fan-made movie has got the funding from Kickstarter and has already collected over $21,706. The producers of the movie claim that the viewer need not be a "Star Trek" fan to follow the story. They will be able to understand the story even if the viewer has not seen any of the previous movies from the popular franchise.

The movie is based around the time of the fifth "Star Trek" TV series. The TV series of the franchise was eventually cancelled in 2005. The main vessel in the TV series has been The Enterprise but this starship may not feature predominantly in this new movie.

The plot of "Star Trek" Horizons will have close ties to the Enterprise, but the story will be mostly a standalone and will not depend excessively on The Enterprise for content. The movie is produced by Tommy Kraft, who says that the TV series has helped him find his way in his filming career.

The main cast of the movie includes Paul Lang as Harrison Hawke, the captain of the star ship NX-04 Discovery, Marc Bowers as Commander Jackson Gates, the first officer of NX-04 Discovery, Ryan A. Webber as Commander Francis Brookes, the chief engineer, Callie Bussell as Lieutenant T'mar, a defector from the Romulan Empire.

Fans who have backed the "Star Trek" Horizon project get some "rewards" from the producers of the movie. Anyone who has donated $10 or more will receive a custom made Admiral rank insignia pin, for reaching the $15,000 threshold of funding. $10 donations that lead up to $20,000 get Romulan Star Empire uniform patch and for the $25,000 goal, fans who have donated $10 or more will receive a 11x17 poster of the movie.

The other benefits to people who have donated include access to download the digital version of the movie for donations over $15, a NX-04 Discovery patch, designed by the producer Tommy Kraft, for donations over $25, official movie sound track on a CD for people who have donated over $35, film DVD signed by filmmaker Tommy Kraft for donations over $50, closing credits with a "thank You" for people donating over $100 and the highest tier of donations is for $1000 and over, people who have donated such a large amount get an executive producer credit in the movie.

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