Indications are strong that the reins of the "Star Wars 7" movies will be held by the younger generation. Disney is looking to cast two young people for an upcoming movie. A young man aged between 19 and 23 years and a young woman aged between 17 and 18 years.

The nationwide auditions are being held in the UK and the advertisement has been put out by Cltaire Curry. Although the add does not directly say that the casting is for the upcoming "Star Wars 7" movie, many fans seem to have connected the dots to realise which "major Disney movie" is being talked about here.

The young man, Thomas, is speculated to be the son of Luke Skywalker and the young woman, Rachel, is speculated to be the daughter of Han and Leia Solo. The young woman's character is that of someone who was orphaned at a young age and the young man's character grows up without the influence of his father.

There have been a lot of rumours about the casting of Harrison Ford as Han Solo, but if the character Rachel is, in fact, that of his daughter, fans may not see the actor for too long in the movie and he may also not return in future movies in the trilogy.

Fans could expect a lot of humour and daring form Rachel, judging from the character description, and Thomas seems to be little depressing, who doesn't have a "strongest sense of himself" but "shows courage when it is needed."

Before fans start to judge how suitable the names Rachel and Thomas are for a "Star Wars" movie, readers should bear in mind that these could only be pseudonyms and may not be used in the actual movie.

The character of Thomas makes him an ideal candidate to be turned to the dark side and become a Sith apprentice. "Star Wars" fans will remember that both Anakin Skywalker and his son Luke grew up without an influence of their respective fathers and were targeted by the emperor to turn to the dark side.

But who will turn the young man to the dark side, if at all? With the deaths of Darth Sidious and Darth Vader, it is believed that the balance to the force has been restored and the Sith are no more.

There is speculation that Darth Sidious will return in the upcoming "Star Wars 7" movie. Click here to learn how this could be possible and read more about one of the most anticipated movies of 2015.