Participants Wearing Star Wars Costumes
Participants wearing Star Wars costumes are seen at the Parc metro station after the Balloon's Day Parade in Brussels September 6, 2014. Reuters/Eric Vidal

Previous rumoured plot details claim Daisy Ridley (who's rumoured to play as Kira) and John Boyega (as Chrome Stormtrooper) discover Luke Skywalker's lightsaber over at Tatooine. However, this detail may have been slightly tweaked according to sources, who claimed an alien found the Jedi relic instead of the young characters.

Sources told Badass Digest that a blue-coloured alien sparks the search for Luke Skywalker in "Star Wars: Episode VII." This alien character discovers the lightsaber and brings it to Kira's junk shop. While there, a cyborg (played by Max von Sydow) is seen hanging out with Daisy Ridley's rumoured character.

This cyborg is played by Max von Snydow as opposed to previous speculations that he will be a Sith in the movie. Making Star Wars claims the character has lived to see the start of the Intergalactic Civil War and witnessed the disaster following the fall of Emperor Palpatine.

Over the years, some parts of his body have supposedly been modified. The "Star Wars: Force for Change" photo J.J. Abrams previously shared allegedly features the cyborg's hand. Furthermore, one eye now holds an ocular device (for scrutinising weapons) while a leg is "entirely cybernetic," where metallic claws have been replaced as toes. The cyborg is reportedly an old, beaten man and may have existed through the "Clone Wars." He is so old that he may already have dementia and talks a lot of nonsense, adds Badass Digest. But when he sees the lightsaber he starts rambling on about the old days. He also names a few "Prequel Trilogy" characters. He recognises the Jedi relic that as soon as the alien and Kira leaves, he supposedly makes a call to a mysterious figure and says, "It's here."

As for the alien character, Making Star Wars describes him with tiny black eyes and possesses an armadillo-like mouth. His skin is actually dark brown but appears blue when hit by the light. His costume reportedly looks like a kimono matched with a towel as headpiece.All these leaked deatils still point to the search for Luke Skywalker as the premise in "Star Wars: Episode VII." However, the validity of this rumoured Daisy Ridley scenes proves doubtful. J.J. Abrams and crew have so far remained tight-lipped on production details.