"Star Wars" 7 is all set to hit the theatres on 18 Dec, 2014. The story is a continuation of the original trilogy released way back in 1970s. The producers seem to be making an effort to familiarise the younger generation with the original trilogy, the latest effort being through a picture book.

The official "Star Wars" YouTube channel recently posted an interview with Tony Diterlizzi. The interview is about putting together a picture book with all the drawings of the sets in the original movies. The book is called "The Adventures of Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight."

The book has 64 pages of pictures from the original "Star Wars" trilogy. The pictures in the book are based on the illustrations by concept artists who worked with George Lucas, the creator of the films.

Tony Diterlizzi also talks about his first experience with "Star Wars." He was taken to see the movie "Star Wars: A New Hope" in 1977 by his parents. The movie had a big impact on him, especially the scene where Luke Skywalker, the young Jedi in the movie, looks towards the two setting suns and thinks about his future.

The role of Luke Skywalker was played by Mark Hamill. Some of the original cast of the movie will be rejoining in the upcoming movie "Star Wars: Episode 7" including Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher.

Tony Diterlizzi has put together the illustrations more like a story book. Some of the most iconic scenes from the movies have been depicted in the book like the scene where Jabba tries to put Luke and his friends into the Great Pit of Carkoon, to be eaten by the Sarlacc.

Fans will be able to relish some of the classic dialogues from the movies in the book. Dialogues like "Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi" by Leia and "Luke, I am your father" by Darth Vader are there in the book.

Tony Diterlizzi said that he is very happy that he is putting together this book for the younger generation. Such efforts may help the younger generation to become familiar with the story and some of the characters before the launch of "Star Wars: Episode 7."