Is Hans Solo going to die in Star Wars: Episode VII? Harrison Ford who is going to reprise his role as Hans Solo in "Star Wars: Episode VII" apparently sat down with George Lucas for a meeting in regards to a new chapter of Star Wars before returning to the VII chapter.

According to Entertainment Weekly (via Enstarz) report, "Ford will join three of the young stars as one of the leads in the story," as opposed to Hamill and Fisher, who will be limited to "strong supporting parts."

With the surfacing of this news fans think that Ford's wish to have a heroic exit from "Star Wars: Episode VII" may come true.

"We talked about it," Ford said in his previous interview regarding Hans Solo's death "I thought it would be fascinating to have him die and give the movie some emotional bottom. It wasn't a heroic arc so much that I was interested in but giving the film some emotional strength."

Moreover, there are speculations that there could be a Hans Solo spin-off and a story that retraces his origin and takes a deep look into his character.

Buzz also suggests that makers of Indiana Jones may think of coming with "Indiana Jones 5" as Ford has time and again appreciated his character as Indian Jones.

"He's (Hans Solo) got a good heart, but I think he's certainly a much less interesting character than Indiana Jones," Ford said to the website, adding, "The breadth of his story utility was never extensive. He was the foil between the other more compelling elements of the film, between the sage old warrior and the young hero. There's not much breadth of character to explore beyond what we got out of him."

Regarding the new Indiana Jones movie a source has revealed to Market Saw (via EnStarz) "Regarding Harrison Ford, two more Indiana Jones features are in the negotiation stages as per Ford's contract clause on Star Wars."