‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Millennium Falcon Manoeuvre From Trailer Examined

The first official trailer of the upcoming movie "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" got the fans excited about what they can expect. One of the exciting scenes from the trailer is that of the Millennium Falcon in a dogfight with TIE fighters. A new report examines the G-force a pilot has to endure for such a manoeuvre.
The trailer of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" showed the Millennium Falcon travelling at incredible speeds and nearly touching the ground. A report by Wired examines the possible speed at which the spaceship was travelling and the effects the speed would have on its pilot.
According to the eport, the Millennium Falcon was travelling at a speed of 200 m/s. The report also looks at this particular segment of the trailer using the Tracker Video Analysis tool. The tool allows the spaceship to be tracked without being distracted by the different camera angles.
The analysis then takes into account the angle of the spaceship and the duration of the manoeuvre to calculate the G-force the pilot has to endure during this period. The report concludes that the G-force would be around 12.6.
To put things in perspective, the report also talks about the effect 12 g's would have on a human body. According to the report, the amount of force that the pilot experiences in this manoeuvre will push human blood lower into the body, leaving very little for the brain. This is said to cause a pilot to pass out during the flight.
The report concedes that we still do not know who will be piloting the Millennium Falcon in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens." Even the previous pilot of the spaceship, Han Solo, is an alien from a different planet and his body may not react the same way as that of people from Earth.
The report states the artificial gravity in the Millennium Falcon will be of little help to solve the problem of the excessive G-force. The artificial gravity will reportedly have to work in the opposite direction in order to negate the effects of the G-force. The other characters from "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" who are said to be capable of handling such a manoeuvre are Chewbacca and C-3PO.
For questions/comments regarding the article, you may email the writer at s.trivedi@ibtimes.com.au.
Source - YouTube/Star Wars
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