'Star Wars: The Last Jedi': Mark Hamill regrets expressing doubts in public

There is controversy regarding the new Luke (Mark Hamill) seen in “Star Wars: The Last Jedi.” Not everyone in the fan base agreed with the changes in their beloved character after so many years. Hamill, too, had previously expressed reservations about his character, but he has now said that he “regrets” voicing his doubts in public, complimenting the director.
Reacting to a fan post showing Hamill’s previous interview, the actor said he regretted voicing doubts and insecurities about the direction his character has taken in the film. Hamill pointed out that creative differences between an actor and the director are common, but such disagreements should remain private.
Hamill explained he just wanted to make a good movie. He complimented Johnson for giving him more than what he was looking for by making a “great movie.”
In a tweet, Hamill praised Johnson for making a great movie. Previously, he had said that he had trouble accepting what the director saw for Luke, but later admitted he was wrong after he saw the film.
“Star Wars: The Last Jedi” has been a massive hit not just in the US but also across the globe. According to The Hollywood Repoter, the lifetime earnings of the movie in North America is expected to be in the range of $750 million (about AU$960 million) and $800 million (about AU$1 billion). Global tickets sales are expected to reach $1.6 billion (about AU$2 billion) in revenue, making it the second most money-making movie after “The Force Awakens.”
Preparations are now on to film the final instalment of the new trilogy. Hamill may also be back, judging by this message to his fellow cast member John Boyega (Finn).
I regret voicing my doubts & insecurities in public.Creative differences are a common element of any project but usually remain private. All I wanted was to make good movie. I got more than that- @rianjohnson made an all-time GREAT one! #HumbledHamill https://t.co/8ujJfBuEdV
— @HamillHimself (@HamillHimself) December 26, 2017
Please pace yourself, son. You are much needed & without you, I'm NOT #FineWithIX
— @HamillHimself (@HamillHimself) December 24, 2017
❤ ️ to you & __ , mh https://t.co/zNCev032nf