"Star Wars: Rebels" premiere episode started on the planet Lothal. The heroes who started the rebellion and the villains who will try to stop them were introduced in the episode. The TV show also has ties to the recent movie trilogy from the franchise. [Spoiler Alert]

The planet Lothal is under the occupation and control of the Empire. "Star Wars: Rebels" episode 1 shows the state of economic decline the planet has faced under the occupation and the blatant abuse of power by the Imperial officers. The economic hardships on the planet and the need to survive have shaped the character of one of the main characters -- Ezra.

Ezra Bridger is a small time thief and trouble maker on planet Lothal. He is a Force sensitive who has the capability to use the energy that surrounds and penetrates all life in the universe, but he doesn't know anything about the Force. He gets an odd feeling when another Force sensitive person, Kanan, is nearby.

Kanan is a Jedi Knight. He and his crew plan to steal the weapons crates of the Empire. Ezra sees the events unfolding before him and decides to try and steal the crates himself after Kanan's crew have neutralized the Imperial troops. He however needs the help of the rebel group to escape from the Empire's forces later. One of the main villains of the series, agent Kallus, is introduced at this point.

The members of the rebel group in "Star Wars: Rebels" are the Jedi Kanan, the muscular alien Jeb Orrelios, the explosions loving Sabine Wren, the pilot Hera Syndulla and a droid called Chopper. The main villains are agent Kallus of the Imperial Security Bureau and the Sith Inquisitor, who is introduced towards the end of episode 1.

The money the rebels get by selling the weapons are used to help feed a small village of hungry people who were affected by the policies of the Empire. The group then proceeds to help rescue some Wookies on an Imperial Ship. The tip turns out to be a trap and Ezra gets captured by agent Kallus during the rescue attempt.

Kanan and his crew risk their lives to rescue Ezra from agent Kallus. The events help build a bond between the group and Ezra. After finding the true location of the Wookies, the rebels help rescue them from the Empire and Kanan reveals his identity as a Jedi.

"Star Wars: Rebels" picks up after the events of the recent trilogy. A hologram of Obi-Wan Kenobi warning Jedis not to go to the Jedi Temple is shown in the episode. Towards the end Kanan promises to teach Ezra the ways of the Force.

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