To make it big in the entertainment industry is no easy process. The ticket to fame come in many forms and journeys that some believe being a part of reality TV shows can be their very own key to get in.

Here we feature the biggest stars of today who simply started with being a part of reality TV and making their fame even bigger than life when they became such huge celebritiess.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck was just one of the contestants in 'The Australian Outback' edition of Survivor and now she works as a successful television host next to Barbara Walters and becoming the brand new co-host of the show 'The View.' No matter how many controversial issues she gets involved in, she still manages to overcome them all like one true 'survivor.'

Adam Lambert is just one of the many current popular singers who have started with the 'American Idol' show as their career springboard. Just like the many competitors in the said talent show, he also may not have won (like Jennifer Hudson) but he still managed to get his very own 'huge' career up and going. .

Snooki also became such a hit with the audiences from 'Jersey Shore' and the punches to her troublesome career in the celebrity world made Lindsay Lohan somewhat of an angel.

Jacinda Barrett may sound unfamiliar but she is in movies like 'Ladder 49,' 'The Human Stain,' and of course 'Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason.' She started in 'Real World London' of MTV way back in 1995 and eventually became a serious actress after making a name in the modelling world.

Check out the rest of the pictures of celebrities who made it in this slideshow of successful reality TV personalities into hit stars of today!


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