One of the country’s most top property groups, Stockland, has been awarded the inaugural CitySwitch signatory of the year award for improving office energy efficiency and cutting down carbon emissions by 800 tons annually.

The CitySwitch program assists organizations to improve the energy efficiency of their offices. Organizations that become CitySwitch Signatories commit to achieving an accredited 4 stars or higher NABERS Energy rating for their tenancy or whole building. The current Australian market average 2.5 stars.

The judges said that Stockland was a green market leader who clearly demonstrated innovation, a dedicated commitment to the pursuit of office energy efficiency and an ability to find creative solutions.

"Energy efficiency is becoming a key competitive driver in the commercial office market as electricity prices continue to rise and the government prepares to put a price on carbon pollution," said Monica Barone, CEO of the City of Sydney. "CitySwitch is now Australia's leading energy efficiency program, presenting 1.46 million square meters of office space and over 305 tenancies - a 72 percent increase on last year and approximately 6.5 percent of the total office space in Australia.”

Stockland achieved a top 5 star NABERS Energy tenancy rating for their Sydney head office through initiatives such as sub-metering to monitor energy use, motion sensors for lighting, energy efficient appliances, replacement of all energy-intensive CRT monitors with flat screen LCDs, timed air-conditioning switches in all meeting rooms and extensive staff engagement.

"Stockland has placed a strong emphasis on both leading building management practices as well as trialing emerging technology towards reducing their carbon emissions by 800 tonnes and saving over $90,000 on energy bills during 2010", said Siobhan Toohill, Stockland's general manager for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability, in a statement.

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