In USA Network's legal drama "Suits," the merger between Darby's (Conleth Hill) firm and Jessica's (Gina Torres) is over and it is time for dissolution negotiation and poaching the clients. Scottie (Abigail Spencer) is back in New York to secure Darby's interests and clients. Darby has put her against Harvey (Gabriel Macht).

The sneak peek "Scottie's Back" suggests that Harvey and Scottie meet outside a major client's office, and she had correctly guessed the suit he will be wearing. She tells him, "I'm not going to let you poach our clients, Harvey."

"You poaching our clients, is what led to this god damn merger in the first place," Harvey says, which according to Scottie was a fair game and this time, it is "Bad Faith."

In the sneak peek of "Bad Faith," Harvey is questioning why she is still, with them (Darby's firm). It looks like she has a deal with Darby. If Scottie beats Harvey on the dissolution negotiation, she has her name on the door. And, she is seen telling Harvey that she is going to fight tooth and nail, and Harvey hits back at her by saying, she has never won and cannot win against him.

It looks like Harvey has to chew his own words. "That is why because I had something else on my mind, before," Scottie tells him. "If you're going to win this time, there is another thing coming." She is well-prepared this time and Harvey better watch-out.

(Source: SuitsonUSA/

Louis (Rick Hoffman) was almost sidelined during the Ava Hessington's (Michelle Fairley) murder trial. He was fighting his own little, personal battles, such as getting custody of Nigel's (Adam Godley) cat. Jessica (Gina Torres) finally calls upon him and trusts him, with a major task.

"I want you to handle the negotiations," Jessica tells Louis in the sneak peek. And, she needs him to be fair. Jessica wants Darby and his firm to think that they are moving on, but "in fact we're going after their clients."

"Oh My God, You and Harvey are letting me in on one of your missions," Louis could be heard telling Jessica in the sneak peek "Bad Faith." "This is Litt-tastic."

(Source: SuitsonUSA/