If she can bribe, she can kill too and everyone at the law firm Pearson-Darby, and outside it, thinks Ava Hessington (Michelle Fairle) is guilty of the crime committed in a foreign land. In episode 3 of Suits Season 3, 'Unfinished Business,' Ava kept asking Harvey (Gabriel Macht) does he believe her and what does he think - whether she did it or not. Harvey chose to remain silent on that and said it does not matter to him whether she did it or not. The closing scene does tell us that both Harvey and Mike (Patrick J. Adams) share the same opinion that she has blood on her hands. Harvey believes that he is defending a murderer.

The conflict in Suits Season 3 Episode 4, 'Conflict of Interest', stems from the fact that she has already been pronounced guilty by everyone. Ava is Harvey's client and her company Hessington Oil is Louis' and both want the best for their clients. Ava's statement to the press can jeopardise her murder trial and not making one can further shrink her already precarious credibility, speeding-up the hostile take-over attempt by her rival Ganopolous.

In less than 48 hours, there is a vote to take control of Hessington Oil. Harvey and Louis are on the same page when it comes to thwarting the hostile take-over attempt. But, Harvey wants Ava to keep her company as well as he needs to ensure that her murder trial is not endangered, while Louis just wants to thwart the attempt and see that Ganopolous does not get control of the company. He does not mind throwing Ava under the bus as the company Hessington Oil is Pearson-Darby's client, and she is not. Jessica (Gina Torres), the 49 per cent of Darby-Pearson, wants her firm to benefit and the moment she realises it is Hessington Oil that is important and not Ava, she decides to side with Louis.

Ava wants to make a statement defending herself but Harvey tells her that everybody says, 'I'm innocent' and it is not a smart move as no one is going to believe her. Harvey's argument is that Cameron Denis (Gary Cole) will not think twice to project her as a "greedy oil executive clinging on to her money factory with her blood-stained hands." Ava wants him to get her out of both the situations. Harvey fails to do that as Ava is ousted from her own company. Louis goes behind Harvey's back and strikes a deal with Hessington Oil's board for the outser of Ava to protect the company's interest. Jessica indirectly gives Louis her approval to sacrifice Ava, which she later denies.

Louis is guilt-ridden once he realises that Ava is innocent and she has no role to play in the murder of the six people who were opposing her pipe-line deal. In a mock trial, Harvey records Ava's deposition to make her see what will happen if she gives a statement. However, it turns out Ava has nothing to do with the murder of the six people and she has a compassionate side. She says, "life is more important to me than money" and whatever has happened sickens her. She voices her intention to shut-down the entire project once her trial is over. Harvey, Mike, Katrina (Amanda Schull) and finally Louis are on the page that she has nothing to do with the murder and she is innocent, but it is already too late. Jessica does not care as long as Hessington Oil is Pearson-Darby's client and the company's money in her firm's ledger is what matters.

While 'American Harvey' is occupied with Ava's case, his secretary and confidante, Donna (Sarah Rafferty), agrees to have a brief, casual steamy arrangement with 'British Harvey', Stephen Huntley (Max Beesely). The firm's copy-room seems to have become their meeting room to have cryptic talks full of suggested banters and double-entendres. Donna gets to see his "I'm better than good side" and we get to see Donna in a sexy, backless dress. Harvey still does not know about the arrangement. Her BFF Rachel (Meghan Markle) is the only one who knows it all.

Mike and his old nemesis Katrina work together to find a solution to Hessington Oil case. It seems they have hit it off, finally. Mike calls for truce and Katrina comes across as a better person. The bonding between the two, however, makes Rachel uncomfortable and she finds herself feeling a little jealous. Mike figures that out, which leads to the "I Love You" moment in the office and also a kiss -- throwing caution to the wind.

Jessica and Darby are on a collision course because of Ava and Hessington Oil. The first round goes to Jessica as she gets to tell Darby that she is the boss on "this side of the ocean" and that, the firm has gained monetarily by sacrificing Ava.

Ava has lost her company because Harvey could not convince Louis in the first place that she is not guilty, because he himself did not think she is innocent. A convinced Harvey is going to pull out all the stops to see that she wins the murder trial and also gets her company back. And, we may also find out how he will react to Donna's casual arrangement in episode 5 of USA Network's Suits Season 3.

To Read About: Donna and British Harvey's Fling: Suits 'Conflict of Interest': British Harvey, Donna Agree to Steamy, Casual Arrangement

Previous USA Network's Suit Season 3 Episodes Recap

Suits : Recap of Season-3 Premiere Episode

Suits: Season 3 Episode 2 Recap: 'I Want You to Want Me'

Suits: Season 3 Episode 3 Recap: 'Unfinished Business'