It is season finale time for USA Network's popular drama series, "Suits." The Episode 16, the final episode of "Suits" Season 3, is titled "No Way Out." The preview clip of the episode provides a glimpse of Mike getting caught for fraud.


In "Suits" Season 2 finale, Mike chose to betray Harvey, as Jessica threatened to expose him. The preview of the upcoming episode suggests that in Season 3 finale, Mike will be given the same choice, again -- betray Harvey and cut a deal to save himself. According to the preview, Donna believes that Mike can never turn on Harvey, but Jessica is less confident about that. The grilling session can get to anyone in the prison, and the preview indicates that Mike is facing some major prison time.

"Suits" Season 3 mid-season finale ended on a promising note, with three relationships taking a step forward. It looks like the remaining two relationships will take some steps back in the season finale. In episode 14, Louis proposed to Sheila and she said yes to his marriage proposal. The two, however, did not walk down the aisle, as Louis wanted children and Sheila did not. Harvey and Scottie's relationship can be best described as tumultuous, because of trust issues. Donna said to Harvey in the previous episode that Scottie is someone who has been finding reasons to be angry at him.

The synopsis of "No Way Out" also indicates that it will be a real struggle for Harvey and Scottie to find a compromise. They might split-up. In the previous episode, Rachel wanted Mike to take up the new job offer. At the end of the episode, Mike announced to Harvey that he wants to say and that he is officially a member of New York bar thanks to Lola Jensen. If Rachel was in the room, she would have not been happy to hear that. This might cause some serious friction between Rachel and Mike. The synopsis of the episode suggests that these two have different ideas about the future.

"No Way Out" promises to be an intense episode. It will be interesting to see show Harvey saves Mike, and it is highly unlikely that Mike will betray Harvey once again.

Official Synopsis of "Suits" Season 3, Episode 16 [Final Episode] "No Way Out": Harvey and Mike will clash with a tenacious U.S. attorney in the season 3 finale. Elsewhere, Scottie and Harvey will struggle to reach a compromise, and Mike and Rachel are going to have different ideas about the future.