USA Network's hit legal drama series, "Suits," is an episode away from taking its mid-season break. "Suits" Season 3 began on the merger of Darby (Conleth Hill) and Jessica's (Gina Torres) firms and the promo of episode 10, "Stay," alludes to a "does not look good" kind of cliffhanger.

Ava Hessington (Michelle Fairley) has been a trouble from the moment her bribery case was handed to Harvey (Gabriel Macht). Ava became a bargaining point for Harvey to plot Jessica's downfall, with the help of Darby. Harvey later regretted his deal with Darby, behind Jessica's back and was sorry about it. Cameron (Gary Cole) came in the picture to settle his score, with Harvey and thus Ava failed to get a breathing space despite agreeing to deal in the bribery case. More to see Harvey's defeat, Cameron slapped a murder trial against her. Ava's case also provided reasons for Jessica to dissolve the merger agreement. When her murder charges were waived-off, Ava realised that it was personal enmity between Cameron and Harvey that put her at risk.

Episode 9 of "Suits," "Bad Faith" ended on the revelation that the law firm's biggest client Hessington Oil has not only fired them but also Ava has filed a case of malpractice against them. "Stay" is the episode 10 of "Suits" Season 3 and there has to be a cliffhanger as it is the mid-season finale.

The promo of "Stay" suggests that Mike (Patrick J Adams) relationship with Rachel (Meghan Markle) is going to be tested, now that she has got through Stanford. One can hear Mike telling Rachel, "you go to Stanford, we're done." We wonder what happened to his claim of your dream is my dream, too. Also, Jessica seems to have found out about Mike and Rachel dating and there is a possible ominous catch there. Jessica mentions Rachel's father name in the promo.

The episode 10 of "Suits" will be built around the malpractice case and Ava is back, too at the firm. She could be heard telling Harvey, "This is the result of your actions."

"What I do, I do it to win,": Harvey.

Will "Suits" Season 3 Mid-Season finale end on Harvey win? One thing we know for sure, Harvey does not lose.

:Suits" Season 3 Episode 10: "Stay" Promo Video [watchHDpromos/]