The premiere episode of "Suits" Season 4 is titled "One-Two-Three-Go." It is the beginning of a new chapter for Mike and Harvey's relationship. Season 4 is expected to open with Harvey and Mike as attorney and client. Mike will begin his work as an investment banker, while Harvey will be his attorney. However, the attorney-client's bonhomie will not last long.

"Mike and Harvey adjust to their new paradigm. As they butt heads over strategy in Mike's first foray into investment banking, their new attorney-client relationship may be short-lived," according to the synopsis of the episode.

Meanwhile, it looks like Eric Woodall, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, will back in the premiere episode to take down Harvey. "Pearson Specter discovers that a disgraced former District Attorney may be pursuing a vendetta against Harvey and the firm," synopsis of the premiere episode says.

"One-Two-Three-Go" features Michael Gross as Walter Gillis, a down-to-earth founder of a groundbreaking DVD distribution company. It is a recurring role. Walter will be seen trying to keep his business solvent while fending-off takeover bids. He and his business are likely to be the reason why Harvey and Mike's relationship get in the conflict zone.

In addition to Gross, Melanie Papalia will be introduced as Mike's new secretary Amy. Brendan Hines and DB Woodside are also set to appear in the first episode of Season 4. Woodside will portray the character of Jeff Malone, a former SEC prosecutor with a personal stake in Pearson & Specter.

Hines will be seen playing the role of Logan Sanders, the entitled son of a millionaire entrepreneur who does not like hearing no. He will end-up in the middle of conflict between Harvey and Mike when he sets out to acquire a company. This may be Walter's company.

"This is going to be street fight. There is going to be only one man standing when this is over," Harvey says in the teaser of "Suits" Season 4.


"Suits" is scheduled to return for Season 4 on June 11, 2014.