"The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2" marks the final installment of the much-loved vampire series. Summit entertainment revealed brand new photos of the whole cast.

Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner and the rest of Twilight cast will be back to reprise their roles in the final movie.

The last movie will pick up where the first part left off. Bella and Edward's daughter Renesmee is born and Bella is now a vampire. However, the strongest coven of vampire, the Volturi, is now after the Cullens after one of the Denali vampire Irina sold them out and saying that Renesmee is an immortal kid.

Now, Volturi is on the move to kill Renesmee, but her tough parents will do everything to protect her. The Cullens solicited the help of vampires from other covens all over the world.

It may not have been everyone's cup of tea but Twilight proved to be one of the most successful franchises in the world with the aid of its large fan base. The saga earned $2 billion all over the world.

American author of the series was taking in royalties and is said to be worth $125 million, thanks to the love triangle between Bella, Edward and Jacob which has gripped a teenage nation since the first film was released in 2008.

However, the recent cheating scandal of the main actress Kristen Stewart may hurt the premiere of "Breaking Dawn Part 2" in a few months. The scandal destroyed the relationship of on screen and off screen lovers Rob and Kristen.

Twihards are anxious how the two will be able to handle the pressure and carry on with the promotion of the last Twilight film.

"The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2" will arrive in Australian theaters on November 16.

See the slideshow for some of the new promo photos of the last movie of Twilight Saga.