Over one million Queensland employees used some form of flexible working arrangements in their main job, according to figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

Government sector employees reportedly make greater use of flexible working arrangements than their colleagues in the private sector, with 67% of government sector employees using some form of flexible working arrangement in the last year. Comparatively, 56% of private sector employees were able to use similarly flexible work arrangements.

Those working in the government sector enjoy the additional freedom of being able to choose their start and finish times as well as when to take annual leave than their private sector counterparts.

The driving force behind Queenslanders wanting to work more hours was financial reasons. However, lifestyle reasons were the main reason given for those wanting to work fewer hours.

And indeed flexible workplace arrangements have been proven to improve productivity, motivate employees, and attracted new skilled talent.

Professor Linda Duxbury, author of Work/Life Balance in Australia in the New Millennium Rhetoric v. Reality writes that creating a workplace with flexible work arrangements is good for business and has a number of advantages.

Additionally, the Australian government Job Access factsheet provides employers with multiple reasons to offer flexible work options to employees, such as:

  • improving the ability of employers to attract skilled and motivated employees
  • creating greater staff loyalty and higher return on training investment
  • increased trust and respect
  • reduced stress levels and improved morale and commitment
  • reduced absenteeism and staff turnover
  • improved productivity
  • potential for improved occupational health and safety records
  • assisting compliance with anti-discrimination and workplace relations laws.