The Australian work force remains pessimistic of their superannuation, a survey shows.

The latest Mercer Superannuation Sentiment Index improved for the very first time since the beginning of the global financial crisis in 2008. The survey of 1000 people in June showed sentiment towards the super fund improved 3 points to 40 out of a possible 100.

According to Mercer Partner Heather Dawson, “confidence in superannuation took a hit with the share market volatility.” Sentiment towards supers had been dropping since the first survey in June 2008.

The recent results also discovered more than half still distrust their super fund. Only 49 percent of the respondents claimed they were confident of the fund. Sentiment figures dipped to 37 points in December 2009.

Trust in the fund, however, was found to be strongly proportional to the level of knowledge about superannuation. Among those who claimed being highly knowledgeable of the fund, 81 percent threw in their confidence on the fund. Only 39 percent in the "low knowledge" category had similar sentiments.

The Mercer survey further revealed that sentiment towards the super improved along with an improved share market in the first half of 2010. The top concerns about superannuation were low returns and not having enough funds for retirement.