This is it, Comic-Con had recently released news that there will be an upcoming Superman-Batman movie-and movie goers can expectantly wait to see these two superheroes hit it off together in 2015.

Warner Bros. had confirmed last Saturday at Comic-Con that there will be a sequel to box office hit "Man of Steel" and the role that was made famous once again, will be played by hunky actor Henry Cavill.

The movie, said to be released in 2015, will include Batman but not the star of the Batman movies, Christian Bale. According to Entertainment Weekly, Bale was quoted regarding the reason he will no longer be playing Batman:

""We were incredibly fortunate to get to make three [Batman films]. That's enough. Let's not get greedy, Chris [Nolan] always said he wanted to make it one film at a time. And we ended up sitting there looking at each other, saying 'we're about to make the third.' We never really knew if we were going to get to be there, but if that was how it was going to be, this was where it should end as well."

So, there will be a new star for Batman but no one will replace Christian Bale as he did give a serious side to Batman. So, Cavill will be back but who will reprise the role of Batman? Fans will just have to wait for the movie in 2015.

Just like the Avengers, another movie including "Flash" and the all-star cast of "The Justice League" will all be showing up on screens. The movie has no date yet and the cast is still being worked on but fans can expect a great movie and a much awaited casting for the superhero roles.