Actress Felicia Day will return in "Supernatural" Season 9 to reprise the role of Charlie Bradbury. TV Guide reported the red-haired hunter and hacker makes her first appearance in the upcoming TV series' Episode 4 titled "Slumber Party" focusing on the Men of Letters history with a Wizard of Oz theme.

"I am so excited to return to Supernatural. Some of the plans they have for this upcoming episode just blow my mind. I am looking forward to returning to Vancouver, at least once more but fingers crossed, they'll have me back after that," Ms Day shared to The Hollywood Reporter at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con.

Felicia, 34, perfectly portrays the geeky but cool Supernatural character. "I have to say that Charlie is such a gift. She is a genuine geek. Charlie is so multi-layered and they give me the opportunity to explore the character," the actress further added.

Charlene "Charlie" Bradbury has been crossing paths with the Winchester brothers since her appearance in the Season 7 Episode "The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo." Charlie started to explore and hunting monsters after bumping with Sam and Dean Winchester in Season 8 episode "LARP and the Real Girl" and it appeared their paths will continue to meet in the upcoming season.

Furthermore, TV series' executive producer Robert Singer gave a couple of hints and comparisons at the 2013 Comic Con interview on what fans can expect with the Winchester brothers in "Supernatural" Season 9. "Without giving too much away... last year they put themselves above their mission. That's going to have a price, and that price is going to affect Sam in a certain way, and it's going to affect Dean in a very emotional and almost guilt-ridden way," Mr Singer teased.

"We just have a lot of balls in the air, and a lot of stories that are separate and apart from Sam and Dean, and of course they'll get integrated into those stories. There's a thing that happens very early on in the first episode that really informs the Sam and Dean relationship, certainly at least through halfway through the season," the executive producer added.

Robert Singer recognised as well the production team's ability in keeping "Supernatural" with something exciting and new. He revealed that it is the reason why he still sticks to the successful TV series. "That's something that we try to do every year. We say... 'How are we going to make this year different than last?' Or 'how are we going to develop these characters to a place we haven't seen them before?' We've kept that ball afloat for 170-whatever episodes," Mr Singer revealed.

"Supernatural" Season 9 is scheduled to premiere on October 8 at the CW Television Network.