The promo video for "Supernatural" Season 9, Episode 14 titled "Captives" confirmed the return of the "Ghostfacers" in the CW TV series. More details emerge on the Ghostfacers' return in "Supernatural" as the synopsis for upcoming Episode 15 titled "Thinman" got revealed online teasing about their ghost-hunting mission.

In Episode 15, Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles) will be crossing paths again with the Ghostfacers Harry Spangler (Travis Wester) and Ed Zeddmore (A.J. Buckley) while waiting for a lead that will bring them to their targets Gadreel and Metatron (Curtis Armstrong). The four is set to work on the case of a teenage girl's mysterious death involving a selfie image.

The CW's official episode description for "Thinman" in the Examiner report reads: "A teenage girl (guest star Ali Webb) is killed and the final selfie she took before the attack shows a ghostly figure in the background. Looking for something to keep them busy, Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Sam (Jared Padalecki) head to Washington to find the ghost. While the two interview the girl's mother, Betty (guest star Maria Marlow), they are surprised when she starts talking about cold spots and fritzing. When they ask her about bringing up paranormal signs, Betty replies that the "supernaturalists" who called earlier brought it up. Enter Harry (guest star Travis Wester) and Ed (guest star A.J. Buckley), the famous supernaturalists."

Executive producer Jeremy Carver teased the "Supernatural" fans about the return of the "Ghostfacers" last December 2013. "I think we can rest assured we'll be seeing the return of The Ghostfacers. They will be making a return in what actually is a really fun and pretty emotional episode," Mr Carver revealed in the Entertainment Weekly report.

The news obviously pleased the Ghostfacers fans that have been waiting for years for their favorite characters to come back. The Ghostfacers made their last appearance in the CW TV series' fourth season with Episode 17 titled "It's a Terrible Life."

Other episodes that the Ghostfacers appeared in "Supernatural" include Season 1, Episode 17 "Hell House" and Season 3, Episode 13 "Ghostfacers." "Supernatural" Season 9 airs Tuesday nights at 9/8c on the CW Network with Episode 15 "Thinman" featuring the "Ghostfacers" scheduled to air on March 4, 2014.

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