Who said cars are toys just for the big boys? Tell that to Susie Wolff, the developmental driver for the Williams F1 team, and a go-karting expert since she was eight.

As the only woman slated to enjoy the drive behind an F1, according to Daily Mail, Wolff will be the subject of a BBC documentary, which will be directed by her brother, BAFTA-nominated David Stoddart,

Entitled The Fastest Woman in the World, the documentary will also feature other big names in F1 including Lewis Hamilton and David Coulthard. It provides a glimpse into the life of the female racer, who had to be followed for nine months for the duration of the shoot.

"I don't race to prove how good women can be against men. I race because it's my passion and I hope this documentary will give an insight into a very competitive world, in which I've been racing since I was a young girl," Wolff said to Daily Mail.

As a self-admitted private person, Wolff said that the documentary was one of the challenges that she faced, especially having to bare her story to the public.

"I had to remind myself that I was there to film Susie's story but during the more difficult moments, my instinct as a brother kicked in," said Stoddart to FMWF. "It was challenging at times to strike the balance, but it's a great story that needed to be told."

Wolff officially became the only woman in F1 following Maria de Villota's bowing out of the sport due to an accident that took her right eye last year.

"She told me to drive for us both now, that I would be out there representing us both," said Wolff to Daily Mail. "After the publicity surrounding Maria's accident, without doubt I felt an extra need to go out there, do a good job, and show that her accident was a freak one-ff, and it doesn't generalize women in motorsport."

See what it's like to be behind the wheel of the F1 and what it's like to be behind the famed name of the only woman driver in the racing world on BBC 2 Scotland, slated to be released this spring.