It's clear out time for U.S. telco T-Mobile as it offers the once scant Nexus 4 for only $US50 with contract. The deal is up only for a very limited time, said the U.S. company.

The popular Google phone has been on a roller-coaster ride with T-Mobile. It was tossed for free with corresponding plan packages and then kicked back to the dirt-cheap offer, all to lure customers back.

T-Mobile is scrambling to woo more subscribers to its networks trends of rolled off contracts that were not renews by customers.

The new come-ons should win back some while the company also works on clearing its inventory to make way for upcoming handsets, specifically of the Android high-end class that consumers would want to own with subsidy.

And it's a race so far on telcos' part to push out as many old gadget stocks as possible to keep them from languishing by the time the heavyweights do come to town.

Buyers are taking advantage as a aside from the Nexus 4, Samsung's Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2 are slapped with irresistible discounts. The S3 can be had on Sprint for a cent while the Note was once offered by Verizon for around $US100.

The rush makes sense, analysts said, as better editions are right around the corner. Samsung is set to intro the Galaxy S4 on March 14 while its new phablet, the Galaxy Note 3, is expected to wow its way to global consumers shortly after the New York event.

Also, Google is reportedly in the brink of releasing the Nexus 5, with one executive of the tech giant hinting that it will have an insanely great camera features.

Now in phablet size, recent reports suggested that either Sony or LG will manufacture the Google handset, which Android fans hope would hit the market in adequate supply.

For now, buyers can comfortably jump in to the T-Mobile-Nexus deal, which gives them savings of up to $150 with sure network access to boot with.

Note that Google Play sells the unlocked Nexus 4 starting at $US299, making it an instant hit. With heavy discounts courtesy of T-Mobile, more should be scampering the quad-core Full HD handset that runs on vanilla JellyBean.