Taking In Whole Grains And Nuts For Meat And Refined Grains Reduce Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Risk
Following a diet rich in omega-3 fats, polyunsaturated fatty acids and whole grains rather than taking in refined grains, sugar sweetened drinks and red and processed meat reduces the risk of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), reports researcher Raphaëlle Varraso, and his colleagues in The British Medical Journal published on Feb 3, 2015.
Smoking is believed to be the main cause of COPD, but one third of the COPD patients were found to be non-smokers, suggesting that there are various other risk factors involved, say the researchers. According to the investigators, food habits is one of the risk factors, but there are only studies relating diet to cancer and cardiovascular diseases but not pulmonary diseases. Diet rich in antioxidants and their positive effects on lung function and COPD were studied and established, recalled the researchers.
The prospective study relating diet practices to COPD was carried out with the help of biennial questionnaires involving 73, 228 female nurses and 47, 026 men from 1984 to 2000 and 1986 to 1998, respectively. In the course of study, 723 COPD cases in the female nurses and 167 COPD cases in men were observed, showing significant association of diet practices with COPD, say the investigators.
Researchers quoted few other studies on harmful effects in high intake of western diet like pork, chicken, noodles and rice among Singapore and Chinese people. They also acknowledged five different studies showing the positive roles of fish, vegetables, fruits, cereals and whole grains in rendering anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties to the human body.
The study suggests that cessation of smoking along with focus on following healthy diet is necessary for prevention and control of COPD. The researchers not only suggest the importance of intake of whole grains and cereals to people, they also recommend the physicians to consider the role of healthy diet in promoting lung health.
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