Canadian-Australian author and television presenter Tara Moss attracted supporters on Twitter after speaking at the Q & A Program on ABC.

The author shared the panel during the show with Jean Kittson, Thomas Keneally, Tim Storrier and Richard Flanagan. The former model spoke about her new book entitled "The Fictional Woman" which touch based on her personal experience as a survivor of sexual violence.

She explained that she wrote the book because she wanted to write about the fictions around women including the archetypes of felonies, those that are shown in storytelling, and Hollywood cinemas.

The journalist also mentioned that in talking from personal experience about the book, she shows her solidarity with other victims of crimes. She stated that there are fictions like sexual violence and miscarriage that happens to other people. She also mentioned that there is toxic silence surrounding the issue on sexual violence.

The UNICEF Ambassador for Children also stated that silence protects the predators, and shames the victims. It also robs the community from the truth to support people adequately when these things happen to them.

The 40-year old mom emphasized how important it is for the victims to speak out. She encouraged those siting in the audience and those watching at home with the words: "This too will pass, you are brave, you are strong, and you do not need to be silent."

After the speaking engagement, Tara turned to Twitter for her post which reads: "Lest we forget these people are out there and others live with them every day."

Social media users expressed their support and praises to the former model's articulate comments on women's rights and misogyny in society. One user @emmarosesailah mentioned that Tara is absolutely inspiring and that she has never heard a more well-spoken, thoughtful and just plain decent person on Q&A. Another user @Bridie_OD even thanked the her for being the articulate, thoughtful, considered, clever, funny and brave- the kind of woman who needs to be heard and seen more often.

Even UNICEF Australia tweeted how proud the organization for its ambassador. "Well done @Tara_Moss - articulate, dignified, powerful and thoughtful. You've done us proud...again!"

Watch the YouTube video of Tara Moss at the Q & A program.

Read the tweets below:

Lest we forget these people are out there and others live with them every day. (And no, the pathetic...

— Tara Moss (@Tara_Moss) May 26, 2014

@Tara_Moss is absolutely inspiring!! I have never heard a more well spoken, thoughtful and just plain decent person on #qanda — Emma Rose Sailah (@emmarosesailah) May 27, 2014

Thankyou @Tara_Moss for being the articulate, thoughtful, considered, clever, funny & yes, BRAVE kind of woman we need to hear & see more of

— Bridie O'Donnell (@Bridie_OD) May 27, 2014

Well done @Tara_Moss - articulate, dignified, powerful and thoughtful. You've done us proud...again! #qanda — UNICEF Australia (@unicefaustralia) May 26, 2014

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