A fifty percent rise in electricity prices within a five year span is an alarming figure.

Tasmanian opposition leader Will Hodgman comes in to rescue power consumers by asking the state government to reconsider the $23 million promise to cap power price rises. Hodgman insisted that the scrapped power rate cap will “reduce the impact of crippling power prices on families.”

The cap would be an additional assistance to the extra $100 electricity rebate. According to Premier David Bartlett. the Government is currently providing the rebate to 80,000 concession card holders.

The state head, however, admits the rebates are not enough. “We recognise that as the power prices rise, there may be a need for an adjustment,” Bartlett said.

An estimate of $320 million worth of concessions are given to low income earners each year.

Consumers are now facing another round of rate increases in December. The price hike is part of a 16 percent rise in electricity bills scheduled for the next three years.

Hodgman said the proposed increases will raise the average household power bill to $80 a quarter. “The increased cost of living in Tasmania is getting out of control,” he said on Tuesday.