The "Twilight Saga" stars Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner have been best friends for years and the werewolf hunk says there is one thing Kristen does that is adorable to him. In an interview for LA Times, "The Abduction" star tells that thought most people find Kristen acting awkward on stage at awards shows annoying, Taylor however loves it. It appears that Taylor is Kristen's number one fan.

It turns out the reason why she acts that way is not because Kristen hates being famous but because she gets so nervous. "Everybody handles the attention in a different way," Lautner says. "For Kristen, when she gets nervous, she gets shy and quiet and I find it very cute. And then I think I over-exaggerate with smiling and laughing," he added.

Lautner goes on to say that when they presented an Oscar at the 2010 Academy Awards, Kristen was actually looking more calm than he was.

"The only thing I can remember about presenting at the Oscars is we were up on the stage, and I could literally feel my pulse, like, through my neck. And Kristen was just like, 'It's gonna be OK, just breathe,'" he shared.

"I think it was just the fact that I was up there on this stage, talking to people that I've looked up to my entire life. I'm talking and presenting something and then, out of the corner of my eye, there's Leo DiCaprio and then there's George Clooney. It was tough for me to handle the situation," the actor explained.

The two of them are just so adorable. Robert Pattinson, Kristen's boyfriend, must be so happy and proud that she has such a great best friend in Taylor Lautner. It is also kind of funny but in a good way that the three of them are like imitating art to life with their portrayal of characters on "Twilight" with Bella and Jacob being best friends and Edward as the love of Bella's life.