As one of the hottest hunks in Hollywood, Taylor Lautner was nabbed to cover the October 2011 issue of Seventeen Magazine. The Twilight heartthrob posed for a photo spread while answering questions about topics including his first kiss, guilty TV pleasure, worst habit and how crushed he would be if a woman turned him down.

Lautner talked about his TV guilty pleasure. "One thing I watch off the hook because it's on every single night up here in Vancouver and I usually can't find it in the States that much is Dog: The Bounty Hunter," says the actor. The actor also shared in the interview his worst habit. "I bounce my knees, but I do not have restless leg syndrome. I did an interview, I don't even know who it was with, and they said I told them I have restless leg syndrome and it distracts me from my work. I do not have any syndrome. I actually have many friends [like me] who just bounce their knees," said Lautner.

Looking back at the past, Taylor Lautner was asked how old he was when he had his first kiss and the actor recalled that it was sometime during his junior year in high school. "I don't remember what year, but it was definitely in junior high. I think it was just with a random girl from school. I mean, it's not like I walked up to her and was like 'You're just a random girl and I'm going to kiss you,' but just a girl from school, and we had a little thing in junior high," shared Lautner.

Taylor revealed that he would be happy to have a relationship with one of his fans and said that he is looking for a girlfriend who will just be herself. "Would I date a fan? I don't exclude anyone, so sure, why not? I don't have a type physically, but loyalty and honesty are important, and also someone who can also just be herself and just let loose and have fun," shares Lautner. Being famous and a certified heartthrob nowadays, does Taylor Lautner find it difficult to talk to girls? "Oh, I definitely wouldn't say I overcame that. I guess it just depends on the girl. Sometimes I'll feel free to completely open up, and I wish I could do that more often because that's what I look for in a girl. Someone that can open up and be herself, but no, I definitely haven't overcome it completely," the actor answered with a laugh. "If a girl doesn't know how to smile or laugh or if they try to play cool all the time. Playing hard to get is not the way to win me over. I'm definitely more for the girl who can smile and laugh all the time and just have a good time," the actor further added.

"I can relate to Jacob's feelings in Breaking Dawn. When he gets the invitation to the wedding, he doesn't handle it very well. I don't think I would either. If I was in love with a girl and she told me she was marrying someone else, it would crush me. That's what it does. It destroys Jacob," the actor said. Taylor Lautner portrays the hunky werewolf Jacob Black in the movies yet he gets rejected by his love interest Bella Swan, played by Kristen Stewart. He said that is something that he would find difficult to cope with in real life.