It's an "absolution" for Kanye West in the new Taylor Swift song which premiered at the MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles. The much-anticipated West vs. Swift showdown proved to be a dud as Swift absolves Kaye West of his upstaging act pulled on the country singer.

Swift's song bordered into being an ode for her Award-acceptance crasher, even as she began her performance with a video montage of what transpired in the the MTV Awards last year.

"Who you are is not what you did," Swift sings. "32 is still growing up now... you're still an innocent."

But Kanye West did not escape from host Chelsea Handler. Handler did not shy away from what she called the "big black elephant in the room."

"It's time to address the big black elephant in the room," Handler said. "Where's Kanye? If you are an artist and you're accepting an award this evening and for some reason your speech is interrupted by a random person, I've developed a technique to nip it in the bud."

The technique apparently involve giving someone the knee. But it's a year too late for Taylor Swift to do that.