Giant telecommunication service provider Telstra Corporation has appointed emerging advertising agency DDB Group to handle the telco's new brand campaign that it hopes would improve the company's connections top its subscribers.

Dubbed as 'It's how we connect!', Telstra's brand positioning campaign is gunning to develop an all-embracing recognition drive that the telco expects would lead to a much deeper connection towards its existing subscribers as well news ones set to be enticed by the ad campaign.

The entry of DDB Group into the campaign drive marks a substantial tweak on Telstra's advertising agency team since Mark Collis assumed the position as head of the telecommunication firm's brand, creativity and strategy division.

In a statement released on Wednesday, Telstra confirmed reports that DDB Group has been tapped to take over from Ogilvy in pushing for the fresh advertising blitz that the telecom company said would be formally unveiled on the first quarter of 2011.

The appointment of DDB Group, according to Mr Collis, is the commencement of a long journey that would culminate in the recognition of Telstra as "the best brand in Australia."

DDB Group managing director Chris Brown said that he was happy that the company was given the opportunity to work on a campaign drive that would further push for the mass recognition of the Telstra, following the agency's initial dealings with the giant telco firm on its youth projects.

Mr Brown said that Telstra has given emphasis on infusing excitement in the Telstra brand en route to the task ahead of positioning its more widespread recognition, which he said would be approached by DDB Group with utmost concern on real change and real engagement.

Telstra said that much of DDB Group's work would focus on developing the telecommunication firm as "a refreshed brand look and feel, brand activation programs centred around connection and a series of engagement initiatives via social media that will connect Telstra more closely with its customer base."

DDB Group would also be tasked to formulate and develop an internal communication program that Telstra is looking to utilise for the training of its company staff in engaging customers in a way that closely advocates for the 'It's how we connect!' advertising drive.