Thor Now a Goddess – Shocking Revelation from Marvel
The female version of the Marvel comic book superhero character Thor is shown in this publicity image released to Reuters on July 15, 2014, courtesy of Marvel Comics. Comic book superhero character Thor, who first appeared in 1962 and is based on the Norse hammer-wielding god, will now be a woman, publisher Marvel Comics said on July 15, 2014. The publisher said the female Thor is an effort to bring new readers and to appeal to women and girls, whom Marvel said have long been ignored in comics. REUTERS/Marvel Comics/Handout via Reuters Reuters

Fans who are used to associating the name Thor with the muscular Chris Hemsworth will be in for a shock. Marvel has decided that a male character will no longer be worthy of the mighty hammer and a female character will be taking over soon.

The movie "Avengers" was dominated by male super heroes, as is much of the super hero universe. Three of the biggest characters in the movie are Iron Man, Hulk and Captain America. The lone female super spy in the movie was Natasha Romanoff or Black Widow.

Marvel may be trying to break this male domination by introducing a female character to take up the mantle of Thor. Readers may be wondering how the son of Odin can suddenly become a woman. The powers of the super hero come from his hammer - Mjolnir and only the worthy can wield it and be granted the powers. It may not be necessary to be the son of Odin to be granted this power.

The writer Jason Aaron and artist Russell Dauterman confirmed the news on the official Marvel Web site. According to them the new direction of the franchise is not a temporary measure and will be a part of the existing Marvel universe.

There is a mystery to the back-story of the new female Thor. The previous owner of Mjolnir does not know who she is and neither does the all seeing Odin. She will still be doing big battles however and fans can expect her to go toe to toe with Frost Giants, Dark Elves and other super villains who stand against Asgard and planet earth.

The new female Thor is seen in a costume similar to the one worn by Chris Hemsworth but with some minor modifications. She is seen with a metallic mask covering half of her face. Click here to see the image posted by Marvel.

The new super hero will make her debut in the first issue Thor #1 comic book due to be released by fall. The change was said to be on the cards since 2012. The current owner of Mjolnir will find that he is suddenly unworthy to wield the mighty hammer.

Fans of Chris Hemsworth can still see him play the popular role of Thor in the upcoming movie "Avengers: Age of Ultron." The movie will be released in May 2015. It is still unclear if the change in the Marvel comic books will also have an impact on the movies in the future.

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