Tina Fey played drunk during Golden Globes 2013, "spontaneously" telling Taylor Swift to stay away from Michael J. Fox's son and have some "me time." As expected, Twitter folks were quick to react.

Fey's grand "drunken" repartee with Globes co-host Amy Poehler was met with laughter from the audience. But the camera did not pan to the multi-award winning pop artist for a reaction.

Golden Globes 2013: Taylor Swift gets too much attention? (Twitter)

To balance the jest, Poehler quickly squeezed her bit, "Or go for it." But Fey quipped, "No, she needs some me time to learn about herself." The audience kept laughing. How did Swift, who lost a Globe to Adele for Best Original Song, react?

Twitterverse on Tina Fey's "Me Time" advice to Taylor Swift

Twitter users who were live-blogging the Golden Globes 2013 were quick to react to Fey's jab at the country pop star.

Really REALLY wish they had shown Taylor Swift's reaction during that Sam Fox-dating bit. I bet it wasn't happy. #GoldenGlobes - glamourmag

Tina Fey laid the smack down on @taylorswift13 & I loved every second of it. "Stay away from Michael J Fox's son. #GoldenBert #GoldenGlobes" - KrisKling

Taylor Swift is going to write a song about Tina Fey now. #GoldenGlobes - DLoesch

Favorite moment of the #GoldenGIobes was when Tina Fey told @taylorswift13 not to go after Michael J Fox's son. Ha! - wandabwizard

The TV audience did not catch Sam Fox's reaction, but his parents were seen mildly laughing at Fey's joke.

Fey and Poehler were playing drunk after losing to Lena Dunham for the Best Actress in a Comedy Series award. Swift also lost to Adele in the Best Original Song category.

What did you think of Fey's boozed-up comments to Swift's dating life?

VIDEO: Golden Globes 2013 Hosts Tina Fey and Amy Poehler Play Drunk

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