The devastating Queensland floods have left many residential and commercial properties inundated as residents come to grip with the effects of the flood and try to return back to their homes and businesses.

Before going back authorities recommend that no one should re-enter a home without having a licensed electrician confirm the property is safe to enter. People with insurance should also check first with your insurance provider before entering the property and making any changes.

The Housing Industry Association (HIA) has prepared some basic information to assist people returning to their home to think carefully about what they should and should not do.

Water damage to homes from the inundation is only one of the many problems that will need to be managed over time. Some of these concerns include:

Health issues
o pollution from sewage and mud
o stagnant water, insects and dead animals
o removal of materials such as asbestos, without adequate protection
o availability of drinking and washing water

Safety issues
o services not being switched off or disconnected
o photo voltaic cells continuing to generate electricity in daylight hours
o snakes and vermin
o slips, trips, falls including holes hidden by silt and debris
o contamination in the immediate area from chemicals stored in the home
o vehicles left in a perilous position
o broken glass and sharp objects
o unstable structures

Damage to buildings and structures
o from the force of the water or
o objects or debris carried by the water

The possibility of collapse of weakened structures from
o Waterlogged materials
o Undermined footings
o Subsidence of the land
o Impact damage to the building

Prior to entering a home or other building, you should first try to establish some order outside the building. Be sure to bring the following:battery-powered radio,battery-powered torch to inspect damaged building, mobile phone, camera and/or video camera and drinking water to name a few.

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