"Titanfall" is really one of the big games that the Xbox One is waiting for, so much so that the first major Xbox One update slated for release is made to prepare gamers for the coming of "Titanfall."

There are two Xbox One firmware updates that are scheduled to come on Feb 11 and another on March 4, both of which will bring improvements to various areas of the Xbox One.

GameSpot reports that one of the crucial updates includes fixing party chat which will be very useful once the multiplayer online shooter becomes available. The first update is said to target manageability of hard drive space, download queues and install order. This means players can be in control of the content they have in their hard drive as well as manage the install lineup and download queue for the now separated My Games and My Apps sections.

A battery power indicator for controllers will also be available for the update, so players can now see the battery onscreen as well as support for USB keyboards on the Xbox One.

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The March 4 update will be the even more crucial update for "Titanfall," as it will optimise the Xbox One's party and multiplayer system in time to put Microsoft's console at its peak for the March 11 release date of the game.

"We've been carefully listening to your feedback and look forward to delivering many new features that will make Xbox One even better. We're just getting started and can't wait to share more information in the coming weeks," said Marc Whitten of Xbox in a statement quoted by GameSpot.

More Details on the Frontier Militia Faction

Respawn Entertainment has recently released new information on the Frontier Militia, known to be the military arm of the Frontier systems as well as citizen soldiers who are deployed when there is a need.

"The Militia often claims that direct action against the IMC is in the best interests of the homesteaders whom they allegedly represent, but not everyone on the Frontier sees it that way," said Respawn.

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Three characters have already been revealed. These are MacAllan, a veteran who is also supposedly a leader of a mutiny on the Odyssey; Bish, who is an electrical engineer that who has been screwed over by what he thought he serves and is now into hacking; lastly, there's Sarah who had been in cover ops all of her career and bears a grudge against the IMC.

The Sounds Behind 'Titanfall'

The Xbox One exclusive game is not only the supposed game changer in terms of the multiplayer scene but it will also be featuring a number of genre-mixing and mashing for its original score.

Kill Screen got the low down with Stephen Barton, the composer for "Titanfall's" sounds, and got the details on just how different it will be when playing "Titanfall" compared to "Call of Duty."

The difference between the two, according to Mr Barton, is that "Call of Duty" is more on the espionage feel, while "Titanfall" goes deep into the future and gives more free rein for him to work with the sounds.

"Here I can take a French horn line and design a synth to mesh with it in order to make a new, unified sound with an organic edge to it," said Mr Barton in an interview with Kill Screen.

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With the "do anything, go anywhere" feel of the soundtrack, it seems that the score blends well with the rather chaotic and battling sides in "Titanfall's" Militia. There is what he calls a duality---developing resounding themes that can differentiate the emotions and beliefs of each side without clear-cut references to good and evil sounds.

How this is achieved is by giving the Militia a more humanistic effect while keeping the IMC as a cold corporation that does not give much of a human feel at all. While the fighting will still take place in the battlefield, "Titanfall" will also surely sound like a battle of wills, motivations and beliefs.