Tom Hardy may play a tough, angry UFC-style fighter in the movie "Warrior" and the villainous Bane in "The Dark Knight Rises," but he really is the sensitive sort who takes criticism to heart.

Hardy jested at a recent press event in Los Angeles that he "cried" after reading online comments, against friends' advice, regarding his role as Bane in Christopher Nolan's coming "The Dark Knight Rises."

"I do read comments and I cry. I can't cry for everybody," he said.

"The Warrior" star told CineMovie that Batman fans would have liked the onscreen Bane to be 400 pounds like the comic book character but it seemed like an impossible feat for the English actor. "I'm like Dude!" the actor expressed in apprehension. Before taking on the role of Bane, Hardy put his body through a 12-hour rigorous training regimen for "Warrior." In order to become the ex-Marine Tommy Conlon in the inspirational action drama directed by Gavin O'Connor, he put on muscles that made him 179 pounds. Later he increased his body mass and is now at his heaviest at 190 pounds for "The Dark Knight Rises."

Hardy understands the fans' love for their superhero and that whoever steps into any related role will be scrutinized. "So many people love him. And when you step into that role - you are going to fail and be judged," the actor shares.

Hardy said he deals with it by "switching off," but he is human and it is hard to ignore comments and feedbacks. Ultimately, his job is to be the best person that he can be in bringing his character to life. Fans eventually will have to put their trust in him as an actor and in the director. "Just trust me. I trust Nolan," the actor said in confidence.

The "Warrior" opens in theaters Sept. 9, and "The Dark Knight Rises" hits the big screen on July 20, 2012.