The silver bullet that could probably end Coalition leader Tony Abbott's ambition to be Australian's next prime minister was likely fired several weeks ago when different powerful females accused him of misogyny.

The impact of that silver bullet is now being felt as the latest Newspoll result said that Mr Abbott's voter support has plummeted at its lowest level in three years. The survey said 63 per cent of respondents are not satisfied with Mr Abbott's performance while only 27 per cent are satisfied.

In contrast, his arch enemy, Prime Minister Julia Gillard, is enjoying a second wind in her popularity and has so far a two-month lead over Mr Abbott as the country's preferred prime minister at 46 per cent versus the latter's 32 per cent.

The numbers are a reversal of fortunes from a few months ago when Ms Gillard was on the bottom of survey results and Mr Abbott on top.

Besides his non-stop grating against the carbon and mining taxes, the Opposition leader has been vocal against many federal government policies, but many Australian voters are beginning to be turned off by his very negative approach to everything. This is has resulted to numbers turning in favour of Ms Gillard.

The prime minister has also helped improve her image by labeling Mr Abbott before the Parliament a misogynist as seen in this YouTube video.

Apparent evidence of the misogyny charge came from former student leader and Abbott student election body rival Barbara Ramjan who accused Mr Abbott then of hitting the wall beside her head with his fist when the young Mr Abbott lost in his election bid for the student council.

Mr Abbott has denied Ms Ramjan's allegation in the following YouTube video:

However, since the damning charges of misogyny, life has become more difficult for Mr Abbott, who at one point almost had the prime ministership in his hands.

Another online poll conducted by Essential Research and released Monday yielded similar results. The survey said 45 per cent of the respondents prefer Ms Gillard to be prime minister from 43 per cent in the previous survey, while 32 per cent favour Mr Abbott, down from 36 per cent.

As Labor leader, Ms Gillard's approval rating remains unchanged at 41 per cent and disapproval rating slightly declined to 49 per cent from 51 per cent. In contrast, Mr Abbott's approval rating declined to 33 per cent from 37 per cent while his disapproval rating increased to 58 per cent from 54 per cent.