For the many years that Filipino boxing champion Manny Pacquiao reigned in eight weight divisions, each fight was followed by a hero's welcome upon his arrival in Manila and General Santos City. The parade often included a courtesy call on then President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

However, with his stunning and humiliating defeat on Saturday in the hands of Mexican boxer Juan Manuel Marquez, what will greet the Filipino Pac Man when he returns to the Philippines are countless memes and jokes about his loss in the ring.

ZeeNews called the new meme Mannying after Instagram users uploaded their photos mimicking the boxer's prone body sleeping on the canvas.

Blogging site Tumblr has created a Pacman Knockout page to show the best Pacquiao knockout memes (

Here are some samples:

1. Manny sleeping soundly on top of a Tempur-Pedic mattress

2. Wrestler Hulk Hogan piling on him

3. Manny dozing in a grassy patch beside a railroad track

4. A baby Pacquiao with oversized gloves

5. An explanation for his ring nap

6. Pacquiao's million-dollar purse has also been played with in the following photo

Other social media sites are rich sources of jokes about Manny's loss to Marquez. The jokes extend to two important women in his life - wife Jinkee and mother Dionesia, more popularly called Mommy D.

7. When Manny was on the floor unconscious, Jinkee was caught on camera crying, fearing her husband may die or be injured. Because of her reputation for going through several cosmetic surgeries, many Filipinos observed that the wifey had difficulty expression her emotions on her face allegedly due to too much Botox injections.

8. Mommy D, who has been pushing Manny to retire, vehemently opposed a fifth match between her son and Marquez. Photoshop hobbyists came up with a poster advertising a Pacquiao-Marquez Match 5, but this time Marquez's nemesis is Dionesia herself.

9. In a play over the two boxers' first names, a popular Facebook post goes like this: How many Mexicans can take down Pacquiao? Just JUAN. How many Mexicans had fallen through the hands of Pacquiao? MANNY.

10. Social media observers pointed out that the memes would likely go on for weeks since its part of the package that goes with being a pro athlete, which includes intense public scrutiny posted in Twitter, YouTube and other social networking sites, including from fellow celebrities such as Canadian singer Justine Bieber.

Bieber's post created a stir, with both pro and anti sentiments of the over 10,000 comments his post received, a sample of which is quoted by below.

"Yeah, it may be a joke but to some people it's not. Pacquiao blacked out. I'm sure if jb passed out and someone made fun of him like this, you beliebers would get mad. It's the same for other people. Just saying, This is mad disrespectful," a Bieber critic wrote.