Mother's day is celebrated around the world in various ways of showing appreciation to the dedication of mums to their kids.

Organizations in Australia work hand-in-hand with media companies and the communities to hold fund raising activities closely related to the role that mothers play in the general society.

Other events include simple families doing marathons together, treating the matriarchs to lunch or dinner, and the traditional approach of giving flowers and letters.

But to make things simpler this coming Mum's day, why not try putting popcorn in the microwave and bond closer with your mum, watching the best films that pay tribute to them. We feature top movies you can catch with your mom right in the comfort of your own home.

'Erin Brokovich'

This movie is about a single mother struggling to get a job and ends up being a legal assistant. On her own, she almost puts down a company in California who allegedly polluted the city's water supply. It stars the award winning actress Julia Roberts.

'Imitation of Life'

This may be a classic, black and white movie, but it can bring you and your mom to tears. Directed by Douglas Sirk, the film examines the true worth of motherhood along with the racial issues between black and white skinned individuals.

'The Incredibles'

This is perfect in the animation category. It tells the story of a family who are secretly superheroes who lives a quiet life but ends up saving the world.


This is an all time favourite of mothers and daughters alike. It tackles the conflict between a mother and a younger stepmum who comes in to take over the role in the family.

Check out more mum-friendly movies to watch in the slideshow and several trailers below.


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