Tour de France defending champion Cadel Evans has described some pelotons as "sometimes disrespectful," although he did not elaborate. In reaction, Robbie McEwen said the Tour is cut-throat by nature. Meanwhile, German Andre Greipel won the fourth stage of the Tour.

Former sprint star Robbie McEwen has reacted to a Herald Sun report in which Evans has called some pelotons "disrespectful," without elaborating.

"That's the Tour. Everyone wants to be at the front and the thing is guys don't look and say 'That guy won the Tour last year, I'm gonna get out of his way and let him through,'" McEwen said.

"That's not so much a lack of respect. The Tour is cut-throat," the 12-time Tour sprint stage winner added.

In an earlier interview, Evans thanked his teammates for their support during the race against "this sometimes disrespectful nervous peloton."

Safety is a primary concern for these champion cyclists, as Mark Cavendish and Bernie Eisel crashed about two miles from the finish line on the fourth round. Cavendish "looked battered and bruised," reports Herald Sun.

In analysing Evans' game, McEwen said he is on the right track, "doing what's best for him."

"Cadel's staying near the front to stay out of trouble... That takes a fair bit of energy to ride at the front... But he's doing what's best for him," McEwen said.

McEwen also noted the play of Tasmanian Matt Goss. He said he has observed Goss was in winning form, and this was evident in his close third to Cavendish and Peter Sagan in Tournai.

"Tournai wasn't ideal because with 3km to go they got shut into the right-hand barriers... Then they came on the left with about 1.5km to go and got shut in on the left-hand barriers... They really had (to) manoeuvre themselves out and do a bit more work to get 'Gossy' out," McEwen observed, adding these turn of events "shows [Goss'] form is really good and he's going to be able to win."

The Aussie defending champion is still in seventh place at the overall ranking. He is 17 seconds behind Switzerland's Fabian Cancellara, who is leading the overall standing. Another favorite, Britain's Bradley Wiggins, is at second place and away by 10 seconds from Evans.