Tourism journalist Simon Anhalt added unsolicited colour on the prospects of Australia's tourism industry when he labelled the country as the 'dumb blonde' in the sector for its attention-grabbing but bland allure.

While hinting that Australia could offer much in terms of tourism attraction, Mr Anhalt noted that officials responsible for the industry appeared to have failed in mustering enough attention to the country's rich tourism prospects in culture, education and overseas industries.

He said that serious gaffes such as the much ridiculed 'Where the Bloody Hell Are You?' tourism campaign only eschewed further attention from the attractive points that Australia could actually offer.

Mr Anhalt that such failed tourism initiatives needlessly spawned an image of the country "that is considered to be very decorative, but not very useful," this in spite of the fact that Australia is considered a premium tourists destination for its natural beauty and affordability.

Surprisingly, the not-so-rosy views by Mr Anhalt has elicited considerable support from within Australia as a survey had indicated that some 76 percent were rallying behind the journalist's assessment.

Some though were not as receptive with one respondent even asking why a first world country such as Australia would listen to the comments made by Mr Anhalt.

On his visit to Sydney, the tourism guru added that unsavoury news such as the racist attacks directed on Indian students last year further downgraded the already superficial image of Australia within the tourism world.

Mr Anhalt said that his brief on Australian tourism was backed by a survey that polled 26,000 respondents from 26 countries and conducted by GfK Roper, a public affairs company he owns.