The Florida A&M football team has named Trayvon Martin's father an honorary captain.

Coach Earl Holmes told the Orlando Sentinel that Tracy Martin will do the pre-game coin toss for the Rattlers' home game against Mississippi Valley State on Sept 1. Martin gave an inspirational speech to the team on Sunday.

"He [Martin] got a standing ovation from our guys ... The message he shared with the kids was very positive and they were very responsive," Holmes told the newspaper. "We're going to keep pushing for him and his foundation. He'll be an honorary captain for us this season and he's welcome anytime."

Trayvon Martin was shot and killed by George Zimmerman in February, while he was walking in the streets of Sanford, Florida. After a protracted debate, jurors found Zimmerman innocent of second-degree murder. Martin's parents have raised calls to amend "stand your ground" laws that were the basis for Zimmerman's acquittal, saying that it "flies in the face of common sense".

Tracy Martin has started a foundation in the aftermath of his son's shooting and death. The Trayvon Martin Foundation's purpose is to raise awareness about the effects of gun violence on the families of victims and to provide support for the bereaved. The father also stated that he plans to organise a retreat to teach young African-American males about conflict resolution.

The Florida A&M is a historically black university, and it was but natural for the school to be emotionally involved in what has turned out to be a racially charged case. The school itself was put into hot water after evidence of hazing in its marching band, the Marching 100, was brought to light. The university suspended all band activities from Nov. 2011 until June 2013.